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Frequently Asked Questions

Technical Questions

  1. Can I send SMS in any other language apart from English?
  2. Can I receive SMS in any other language apart from English?
  3. Will the SENDER receive a notification if he sends me a message?
  4. What happens if the SENDER types in the wrong command when sending me a message?
  5. Do I get delivery notification for outbound messages?
  6. Why do some messages have an UNKNOWN Status in the Delivery log?
  7. What kind of API Connections do you support?
  8. How many characters can each SMS contain?
  9. Am I able to send personalised messages like SMS/Mail Merge?

Database/Contact List Related Questions:
  1. Why am I not able to import my contact list successfully?
  2. How can I easily remove leading or trailing spaces from my Excel records?

Can I send SMS in any other language apart from English?
Yes, you can send SMS out from in other languages like Chinese, Arabic, Thai, etc. All you need to do is ensure the message is sent using UNICODE and it will be received without problem by the recipient.

Can I receive SMS in any other language apart from English?
No, people can only send English (Roman Characters & Numerals) messages to you. This is a limitation of the Shortcode capability. Messages sent using any other language will be lost and not delivered at all.

Will the SENDER receive a notification if he sends me a message?
Yes, if the message is successfully sent, the sender will receive a delivery confirmation message. If the message is not delivered then he will not receive any notifications. He will also not be charged RM0.30 for sending the message.

What happens if the SENDER types in the wrong command when sending me a message?
If the sender types in the wrong command, he will not be charged. Charging will only occur if the message was successfully delivered to another WebSMS2u User due to typing error by the sender. If the entire syntax is wrong, a message is sent back to the sender with instructions on how to use the system.

Do I get delivery notification for outbound messages?
You can check on the status of outbound messages by checking the delivery log files. They will tell you whether a message has been ACCEPTED, DELIVERED, UNDELIVERED or have UNKNOWN status.

Why do some messages have an UNKNOWN Status in the Delivery log?
UNKNOWN status normally shows that our system has not received any status updates from the relavant Mobile Operators. Sometimes the mobile operators are unable to update their delivery status because of various reasons like: Unreachable recipient, recipient on roaming, recipient's message box full, inter-network mobile operator issues, & etc.

What kind of API Connections do you support?
Our service currently supports HTTP API and EMAIL2SMS / SMTP API. With these two APIs, you will be able to make connections to our server to send outgoing SMSes from your applications or websites without having the need log in manually to our Web Interface to send outgoing messages.

How many characters can each SMS contain?
Each Normal (English) SMS can consist of 160 Characters. Each Unicode (Chinese, Thai, etc) SMS can consist of 70 characters. Our system allows you to send up to 3 SMS message lengths so that means a Normal SMS can hold up to (160 X 3)=480 characters and each Unicode SMS can hold up to (70 x 3)=210 characters maximum.

Am I able to send personalised messages like SMS/Mail Merge?
Yes, our system is has a powerful SMS Merge Feature that will allow you to send personalised SMS to recipients in your database. You can merge fields like NAME, EMAIL, NUMBER, and up to 4 CUSTOM Fields.

Why am I not able to import my contact list successfully?
There are many reasons why the import of contact lists fail. You are advised to check on the following:
  1. Ensure the selected File Type is proper (Excel, or Plain Text with proper delimitator)
  2. Ensure the content is properly formatted with one line per record and with the proper delimitator
  3. If using EXCEL FILE, ensure each row contains one record and column contains only one type of field.
  4. Ensure your EXCEL FILE does not have any leading or trailing spaces in the records.
  5. Ensure your Name & Number fields are properly populated
  6. Ensure you do not have more than the allowed amount of records per upload

How can I easily remove leading or trailing spaces from my Excel records?
Removing of leading or trailing spaces is sometimes necessary as some applications often include these spaces (either created or inherent in your original database) during database extraction. You can either manually edit and remove them or use 3rd Party Applications to help automate the job. An example is Trim Spaces for Microsoft® Excel® provided by AbleBits(tm). You may download their software from

If you prefer to edit your excel file manually, you may refer to a well written tutorial at on how this could be done easily.

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